Shipping Policy

  • Shipping Policy

    At Halaras, we are committed to providing fast and reliable shipping to all our customers. Below, you will find details on our processing times, shipping timeframes, and other important shipping-related information.

    Order Processing Time

    All orders are processed within 1-3 business days (excluding weekends and holidays).
    Once your order has been processed, you will receive a tracking number via email.
    Shipping Timeframes

    We offer the following shipping options depending on your location:

    Standard Shipping: 5-10 business days
    Expedited Shipping: 3-7 business days
    Express Shipping: 2-5 business days

    Note: Delivery timeframes may vary depending on the destination, carrier delays, or unforeseen circumstances.

    Tracking & Order Updates

    All orders come with a tracking number that allows you to monitor your shipment’s progress.
    You will receive email updates when your order is shipped, out for delivery, and delivered.

    Order Delays & Support

    If you experience any delays beyond the estimated timeframe, please contact our support team at, and we will assist you immediately.

    We take chargeback prevention seriously and ensure timely shipping for all orders. Our fulfillment process complies with Shopify’s policies, and we work closely with logistics partners to ensure smooth deliveries.